B2B Marketplace

Become your buyers best option!

Provide a better service to your buyers with a B2B Marketplace

Offer a better choice

Give them access to more providers and more products, while providing you economy of scale

Why a B2B Marketplace for Industrial Distribution?

  • Centralized management by a large and often poorly digitized distributor penalizes agility and efficiency, limiting its product catalog, reducing its margins and losing competitiveness vis-à-vis the small distributor.
  • The irruption in industrial sectors of global online marketplaces (eg: Alibaba, etc.) with highly optimized processes poses a threat to the distribution chain.
  • The creation of a Marketplace by a wholesaler allows you to decentralize the management of the catalog and logistics, as well as digitize the entire process.

Compete with online marketplaces

With your own marketplace, you will be more competitive with global marketplace, while increasing your online presence to attract more potential buyers.

Strategic Reasons

Digital behaviour know-how

Acquisition of know-how of the digital behavior of the retail channel in real time.
Insights on market trends in a moment of continuous and sudden changes.

Higher recurrence and upselling

With a digital platform, your buyers can easily generate recurring orders and discover new products through navigation or through smart product recommendations.

Larger catalog of products

Invite more manufacturers to the marketplace, giving them the opportunity to add their product catalogue and manage their stock in real time.

Margins increase

A digital platform for B2B distribution allows the digitalisation of sales and administration processes, therefore increases margins dramatically.

Protection against global marketplaces

The irruption of global online marketplaces (eg: Amazon, AliBaba, etc.) with highly optimised processes poses a threat to the distribution chain.

Excelling in customer service

Customers are now highly interested in making digital purchases 24hx7d and in exploring new products on their own, even more if there are several brands offering a large catalogue.
You will provide a better service to the retailer and the manufacturer of manufactured product, facilitating their purchases at any time and with the option of recurrence.

Discover more use cases

B2B Marketplace

Food Producers Distribution

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B2B Marketplace


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